
Island Creek Baptist Church | Rose Hill, NC

Posted Date 9/19/2024

Island Creek Baptist Church Profile

Island Creek Baptist Church (ICBC) was established in 1802 in the Rose Hill, NC area of Duplin County. ICBC has 200 members on the role with approximately 55 active members, with an average of about 45 in Sunday School. ICBC is a member of the Eastern Baptist Association (EBA) of NC. ICBC has budgeted a percentage of its donations to the EBA as well as the Cooperative Program of NC. ICBC takes a conservative view on Biblical interpretation and social issues such as the sanctity of marriage, between one man, created by GOD, to one woman, created by GOD, and the sanctity of life. ICBC strives to obey the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19 to share the Gospel in the local community and around the world. ICBC has traditionally given to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, NC Mission Offering, and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, as well as local and/or foreign Love Offerings as they occur throughout the year. ICBC’s 2023/2024 budget was $190,000.00.

Island Creek Baptist Church Pastor Responsibilities

The pastor of Island Creek Baptist Church should first and foremost adhere to Matt. 22:37-39,             “ ‘Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ “. He is to strive to draw closer to the LORD each day through daily prayer and Bible study. He will be encouraged to improve his ministerial skills through personal study and continuing education. He will be asked to maintain his home life with his wife and children and will be encouraged to provide time for his personal relaxation and family. He will be required to study for, prepare, and preach sermons as lead by the HOLY SPIRIT and to lead in the church Bible study program. He will also be asked to conduct services in observing ordinances of the Baptist church including Baptisms and the LORD’s Supper. He will also be asked to perform ceremonies for church families such as funerals, weddings, and baby dedications. He will be asked to help develop and lead in local community outreach programs. He will be asked to encourage and provide support to the church and individuals, and participate as the LORD leads, in giving to and taking part in mission activities and annual mission offerings such as the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, NC Mission Offering, and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. He will be asked to provide counseling for individuals and/or groups concerning spiritual development, Christian life, and beliefs, as well as those facing major issues in their life. He will be asked to visit church members that are sick or have other physical conditions at home, in the hospital, and in nursing homes. He will be asked to serve as an advisor to all church committees. He will be asked to provide information and to lead the church in support of associational and denominational programs and to work with other Baptist Churches in the community.

Contact: Kenny Batchelor, Jr.



Paid Status
full time
Licensed or Ordained
Licensed | Ordained
Ministry Role
Senior Pastor/Pastor
Minimum Education Level
High School Diploma
Minimum Years of Experience in Ministry Role
4 to 7 Years

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