
Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church | Bostic, NC

Posted Date 6/06/2024

Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church is actively searching for the Pastor whom God has chosen to lead this Body of Christ.  MLB is a conservative, family-oriented, Christ-centered church located in Bostic, NC of Rutherford County.

Mt. Lebanon is seeking a Pastor who is mature in their walk with Christ, scripturally grounded through personal study, faith, and educational foundation who will lead and minister to our congregation in order that we may fulfill God’s will in our church and surrounding community. We seek a Pastor who is an effective Bible teacher and preacher who is passionate about building our children and youth programs. Lastly, we desire a pastor who will care for, advise, pray with, and counsel our membership in times of both hardship and joy. 

If you feel called of God to apply for this position, please submit your cover letter and resume to:


Paid Status
full time
Licensed or Ordained

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