Music Minister on the Crystal Coast

Open Door Baptist Church, Morehead City | Morehead City, NC

Posted Date 6/06/2024

Minister of Music Profile

Open Door: One Body, On Mission

Open Door Baptist Church, in Morehead City, NC, has a strong and beautiful history of worshipping Jesus Christ through music and art, and at the same time we desire to refine and improve our music ministry. The current makeup of our worship ministry includes a praise team, an adult choir, and occasional volunteers on various instruments. On any given Sunday, Open Door Baptist Church worships in musical styles ranging from ancient to modern with a strong leaning towards theologically rich modern hymns. Our desire is that corporate praise fuels the mission of the church to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

The minister of music will lead in a way that reflects the priority of worship in the lives of our members. We believe that the man who has the calling and gifting in this area will rightly steward the ministry and shepherd the members to praise Jesus. The person who serves as minister of music will also provide spiritual leadership for the church. Although the minister of music has specific responsibilities, the Open Door Baptist Church staff team operates in a collaborative context, and he may occasionally lead in other areas or projects. The minister of music position is currently part-time but may develop into a full-time position in the future.

Minister of Music Purpose

To lead in equipping the saints of Open Door Baptist Church to build up the body of Christ through worship and praise using musical and visual arts.

Description and Qualifications

The minister of music will come alongside the senior pastor to help lead, shepherd, and disciple the church. He will have a major role in leading the Sunday worship gathering. He will play an instrument and lead others in singing. He must remain biblically qualified to hold his position of leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9) and display the gifts of an elder (Ephesians 4:11-14). He must be in full agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and the Open Door Baptist Church Covenant and Constitution.

The minister of music is to be a team player and will recognize that working with a team is essential to successful ministry. It is expected that he works closely with other staff members and volunteers.

Supervision and Accountability

The minister of music is directly supervised by and accountable to the senior pastor. Annual evaluations, salary arrangements, and any benefits are managed by the personnel committee.

Ministry Expectations:

  1. Leadership:
    1. Do the work of an elder in leading music teams as well as the congregation in praise to Jesus
    2. Pray for and with Open Door Baptist Church regularly
    3. Recruit, train, lead, and develop volunteers for music teams
    4. Teach and visit praise ministry volunteers
    5. Actively participate in church Elder meetings
  2. Praise: 
    1. Shepherd music ministry volunteers and equip them for the Sunday worship service through teaching, modeling, and meeting
    2. Build upon Open Door Baptist Church’s foundation of music while cultivating a fresh, biblically faithful culture of worship
    3. Counsel participants toward, and approve of, music selections for weddings, funerals, and similar events
    4. Provide communication and direction for any needed audio/visual technical support
    5. Work with senior pastor each week to plan corporate worship gatherings
  3. Administration:
    1. Help organize events, discipleship activities, and outreach through the praise ministry
    2. Lead the maintenance of the church music library, musical instruments, and other required supplies and equipment

Minimum Qulifications:

1. A baptized believer of Jesus Christ marked by consistent and faithful service in the local church
2. Eligible for church leadership and spiritual authority as an elder prescribed by Scripture
3. Able to lead instrumentalists and congregational singing
4. At least one year of ministry experience is preferred.

Paid Status
part time

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