
First Baptist Church of Butner | Butner, NC

Posted Date 5/29/2024


The First Baptist Church of Butner, North Carolina, is actively searching for the Pastor whom God has chosen to lead this Body of Christ.  FBCB is a family-oriented, Christ-centered church located in the Town of Butner.


In 2023, the Church celebrated 75 years of being a lighthouse to our community, with a loving, compassionate congregation of 200+ and we're just getting started!  Our campus houses a lovely Sanctuary, classrooms for all ages (infant through senior adults), and a beautiful Family Life Center which includes a gymnasium.  The community surrounding it is multi-generational and multi-cultural.  First Baptist Church of Butner affirms the ordination of men and women to serve as deaons and subscribes to the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message.


The person we believe God is calling to His pulpit is mature in their walk with our Lord and Savior, and scripturally grounded through personal study, faith, and educational foundation, as demonstrated by the years they have served as Pastor of a church.  The complete Pastor Position Description may be reviewed at:


If you feel called of God to apply for this position, please submit your cover letter and resume to:


Salary50,000.00 - 70,000.00 Annual
Paid Status
full time
Licensed or Ordained

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