Lead Pastor

Multiply Community Church | Monroe, NC

Posted Date 8/09/2024

Lead Pastor Job Description

The Lead Pastor shall serve as a lead (elder) under-shepherd, and overseer of Multiply
Community Church. This shall be done through the preaching, teaching, and practically living out the truth from the Word of God.

Minimum Requirements:
A Masters of Divinity Degree (or equivalent) and/or training that would qualify him to lead and pastor a Southern Baptist Church. He must hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Specific Qualifications:
1. He must be saved and called into the gospel ministry (Must be able to clearly articulate both his conversion and calling).
2. He shall meet all the requirements of an elder (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4).
3. He must be above reproach (James 3:1).
4. As pastor of MCC he and his immediate family must be active members of MCC.
5. He must have a genuine love for the members and non-members of Multiply Community Church.
6. He must be an expositor of God’s word (verse-by-verse). That is, he must have the ability to exegete (explain) the Scriptures and their context with clarity, conviction, and compassion.
7. He must have good relational and emotional skills.
8. He must be a disciple who is making disciples.
9. He must demonstrate a readiness and ability to share the gospel with others outside the church.
10. He must have a heart to serve in the local community.
11. He must have strong administrative skills or be able to delegate, guide and direct others in essential administrative functions of the church.
12. He should have some experience leading a multi-ethnic/multi-cultural church and desire to make outreach to the multi-ethnic segments of the Monroe area a priority in his ministry.

1. The Lead Pastor shall serve as the preacher and primary Bible teacher.
2. He must have the ability to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
3. He shall administer the ordinances of baptism and communion.
4. He must have a daily quiet time with Jesus. He will be one who is regularly memorizing Scripture.
5. He shall be considered an ex-officio member, without vote, of all Ministry Teams.
6. He shall provide administrative oversight of the church and all its ministries, either through the hands-on exercise of his own gifts or by delegating to and coordinating others.
7. Officiate weddings and funerals of the members of Multiply Community Church.
8. Oversee the carrying out of church discipline.
9. Be actively involved in outreach, evangelism, and missions opportunities.

10. Be a good steward of personal finances and the church’s finances.

11. Serve as moderator of all church members meetings.

12. Be actively involved in local and state SBC denominational life and serve as MCC representative and messenger in regular state and national IMB meetings.
13. He shall perform other duties such as those that typically pertain to the office of Lead Pastor or as set forth in the church bylaws.
14. He shall abide by all policies in the Multiply Community Church Employee Personnel Manual.

Salary75,000.00 - 82,000.00 Annual
Paid Status
full time
Licensed or Ordained

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