At Lea Bethel we believe that our church coming alongside parents in evangelizing and discipling children and teenagers is part of the call of Christ to make disciples of all peoples, and we desire to carry out the calls of Christ given in The Great Commission, and The Great Commandments. The individual serving our church in this way will be responsible, under the leadership of our Pastor, for developing a balanced schedule of biblical studies and ministry activities to offer our children, teens and their parents with the opportunity to embrace the Lord as their personal Savior grow in likeness of Him, and to be on mission in taking the gospel to all the world! We also hope to promote the development of active participation opportunities for teens, children and their families within the ministry and Christian community of Lea Bethel Baptist Church. The Children & Teen Ministry Coordinator will, as a leader of the children & teen ministry of the church, under the leadership of the pastor, emphasize the spiritual development of our children, teens and their families through offering opportunities for consistent biblical teaching, training, encouragement, discipleship, missions, and evangelism. The Children & Teen Ministry Coordinator will also serve as an encourager, and trainer for the volunteer positions in all children & teen departments. The Children & Teen Ministry Coordinator must believe that God has a purpose for them in this ministry with our church. The Children & Teen Ministry Coordinator must demonstrate a strong personal faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, affirm and teach consistent with the theological stances of Lea Bethel Baptist Church (the Baptist Faith and Message of 2000, as amended), live a lifestyle consistent with Biblical Christianity, and be able to articulate and demonstrate such with the congregation of the Church and our community. Further details available upon request at receipt of an applicants cover letter and resume.Note: While all qualified applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter and resume. Students desiring an internship and be eligible for earning credits toward an SEBTS degree program are also invited to apply.